6 simple daily habits to boost your wellness and transform your days


6 simple daily habits to boost your wellness and transform your days

Have you been reflecting on the way you live, think and feel these last few months? I sure have!

In recent times, we've learnt that nothing is more important than our wellbeing.

With things opening up again, it’s a perfect opportunity to create a better normal for ourselves. So let's start fresh and kickstart healthier habits!

With small steps, we can improve the way we feel on a daily basis.

You already know the foundations for wellness – nutrition, sleep, managing stress, exercise, healthy relationships and having good coping strategies in place.

But here’s the thing – we’re human, and life can get in the way, right?  So sometimes we need a little hack to make it easier.  

That’s where essential oils come in – as a tool in your wellness toolkit to create habits that stick!

With a few tweaks of including essential oils in your daily routine, it's easier to be the best you and stick to your goals.

To feel calmer, more energised and sleep better, here are 6 simple habits you can include in your day. By including essential oils, you’ll also be supporting your immune health and setting yourself up for happier, healthier and more productive days.

1. Wake up calm and centered – with Balance

Do you let the morning events or waking on the wrong side of the bed take control of your mood for the day?

Start your day with intention and a positive mindset, rather than on autopilot. We can choose how we want to feel and consciously set ourselves up for a positive, productive day!

Habit One: Upon waking, include a simple ritual, using Balance Oil – our Grounding Blend to start your morning grounded and calm.

When you arise, inhale Balance off your cupped palms, apply to pulse points and soles of the feet – and then try these ideas!

-        Affirmations - take 3 deep breaths with Balance off your cupped palms and say something kind and positive to yourself or about the day ahead

-        Gratitude – write down or think about 3 things you are grateful for

-        Intentions – choose one goal for your day and write it down - visualise it coming to fruition!

-        Meditation, mindfulness or prayer – for inspiration and to keep your mind focused, try the Insight Timer app for short, sweet guided meditations or mindfulness exercises

This is one oil to keep by your bedside!

2. Create a happier vibe – with Wild Orange

Everyone has experienced how smell has the power to instantly shift our mood – Grandma’s cooking anyone? Or the smell of fresh coffee?

That’s because smell connects directly to the limbic system of our brain and affects its biochemistry. Scent has the power to control our emotions, memories and hormones in seconds.

Habit Two: Before you prepare breakfast, watch everyone’s mood improve as you pop on a diffuser with Wild Orange! Your whole home will feel uplifted with this cheery blend of the delicious smelling Wild Orange – The Oil of Abundance.

As citrus oils have cleansing properties, you’ll also be clearing and freshening the air. Want extra health benefits? Add a drop to your water to cleanse your body and digestive system!

3. Support your Immune Health – with OnGuard

Stay well this winter by adding an immune boost to your snacks!

We all know ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Here’s how to supercharge your apples to add even more health protective properties!

Habit Three: Add a drop of OnGuard – Protective Blend to a bowl of water. Add a chopped apple, stir and leave to soak for a few minutes.

Take out the apple and enjoy with some tahini or on its own for a lunchbox snack or morning tea!

The OnGuard essential oil makes it taste great, reduces browning and adds extra protective benefits.

You can also add OnGuard to smoothies, roller and diffuser blends or apply to the soles of the feet for the same benefits - it’s a winter must have!

 4. Energise and focus your mind – with Peppermint

Need a pick me up or energy boost before hitting the gym? Can’t concentrate or feeling distracted when you start work?

Habit Four: Stay focused and energised with peppermint essential oil! Approved by TGA for improving cognitive and mental function, it’s the perfect oil to diffuse, or roll onto temples, back of the neck and inhale off the palms.

In our home, we also use it for digestive health, sugar cravings, headaches and clear airways!

5. Self care and soothe tired muscles – with AromaTouch

Does your body feel tight, achy or tired by the end of the day?

Habit Five: Unwind and recharge with our Spa Blend - AromaTouch! Soak in a bath of Aromatouch with some Epsom salts or massage into the body with a carrier oil to soothe away the day’s stressors.

I feel like a new person when I’ve given myself the time for this extra self care. You deserve it too – aim for once a week and it will become a weekly highlight!

6. Sleep deeply and recharge – with Lavender

Do you have trouble winding down or switching off your mind at bedtime?

Calm your mind and nervous system for bedtime by including lavender in your night time ritual! Did you know inhaling lavender reduces cortisol?

Here are some ways to use it – and yes, it’s perfect for kids too!

-        Spritz onto your pillow or diffuse

-        Roll onto pulse points

-        Inhale from palms!

This is another must-have essential that I keep by the bedside.

So there you have it – the 6 simple habits you can include in your day for happier, healthier days. Which habit will you start with?

Want these oils at a discount? The best value, most popular way to get started is with a Starter Kit - the AromaTouch Kit contains all of the above oils and more! . 

Shop here for a Starter Kit or contact me for a complimentary consult to cater to your individual needs and budget. Or come and join us in our online Facebook community for more simple wellness tips and inspo!

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