Three secrets to better gut health that are simpler than you think!


Three secrets to better gut health

Hands up if you’ve seen the words ‘gut health’ popping up more and more? If you’re confused by all the conflicting info or wondering what all the fuss is about, you’re not alone.

The reality is it’s a complex topic – and it’s very easy to get overwhelmed on where to begin.

Trust me, I’ve been there – since my son had severe reflux from birth, we spent years on our gut healing journey sorting fact from fiction. As a public health researcher and health coach, I spent years researching, trying different approaches and seeing countless doctors to get to the bottom of my son’s gut issues.

What did I learn? Gut health begins with what we do at home – and it’s within our power to change!

Start with small steps and SIMPLIFY. Any lifestyle changes need to be doable for us to maintain in the long run.

This article gives you 3 simple steps that you can begin with straight away to help improve your family’s gut health.

But first – why is gut health important? Because it affects every aspect of our health and wellbeing. We have about 3-4 kilos of bacteria living in our intestines, and they play a role in everything!

When the bacteria is out of balance, the body can present with a wide array of symptoms, which may not seem to be linked to the gut. 

Gut health affects: 

·       Mental health and mood

·       Cognitive function, learning and memory

·       Immune system

·       Respiratory health 

·       Energy levels

·       Sleep quality

·       Growth, hunger and weight

-      Skin health – e.g. eczema

So, where do we begin? Here are 3 secrets to better gut health that are simpler than you think.

Secret 1 – Notice how you feel

Tuning into the signals of our body and inner wisdom is the first step to making more nourishing choices.

Start by noticing and being mindful to the connection between what you eat and how you feel.

Consider keeping a food diary for 1-2 weeks and noting any reactions following your meals.

What is your gut telling you?  Is that morning toast making you feel bloated or tired? Is your milky latte upsetting your tummy?

Yes, food intolerance and allergy tests are helpful, however the symptoms we experience on a daily basis are a powerful signal that can give us the answers we’re looking for. You can then use this information to make more conscious choices and discuss with your practitioner the option of getting tested for intolerances.

Another question to ask yourself is HOW are you eating? Are you rushed or stressed at meal times?

Give yourself the time to eat slowly and mindfully – and notice what difference that makes to your digestion. You’ll be swallowing less air and giving your digestive system a chance to digest food in the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) state.

Don’t underestimate this simple step - chewing our food is the first step to proper digestion. Chewing releases saliva which contains digestive enzymes to break our food down adequately.

Secret 2 – There is a natural option that works!

When it comes to stomach discomfort or bloating, it is common to reach for harsh options that can do more harm than good *.

The good news is there are natural options that work! Plant based remedies have been used for centuries all around the world for their health and healing benefits, and essential oils are no exception.

Ever since our integrative doctor introduced us to essential oils, we’ve used the Top 10 oils to makeover our first aid cabinet and for everyday family wellness concerns.

Best of all, we can trust they’re not harmful to our gut health, like what we were previously using!

Here is a safe, effective option* that we use for my son whenever tummy upsets arise – and for myself as needed!  

We use an essential oil roller of DigestZen containing the following oils and others:

-        Peppermint – A 2007 clinical study found that consuming peppermint with your meal speeds the rate that food empties the gastrointestinal tract, which may help relieve constipation or bloating. 

-        Ginger – Ginger has been found to enhance gastrointestinal motility. Due to its carminative, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, it has been used traditionally to improve digestion and for preventing and reducing discomfort such as indigestion, nausea, gas and bloating.

-        Fennel seed oil has been shown to reduce intestinal spasms and increase motility of the small intestine. Fennel is a great option for babies and children – a 2003 study found that the use of fennel oil eliminated colic in 65% of infants in the treatment group, which was significantly better than 23.7% of infants in the control group. 

Secret 3 – Create a natural, gut friendly home

The missing piece of the puzzle to our gut health? It’s the products we use in our home.

What do household and body products have to do with the gut? A lot. 

We absorb and inhale the toxic chemicals they contain – and they end up in our bloodstream and eventually our gut, affecting our microbiome, hormones and general health and causing inflammation. 

But no stress – the good news is it’s pretty simple to make the switch to gut friendly, natural products.

My suggestion is to wait until you’ve run out of your regular products – and then replace them gradually with a more natural option. Here you’ll find 9 healthier swaps for everyday products in your home.

You and your family deserves a clean, amazing smell home, free from nasties.

Want an easier way to fast-track your way to better gut health, using these 3 Secrets?

Let me help you put them into practice – with more ease and less fuss! Book a 30 minute complimentary consult with me - I’ll help you get the tools you need, answer your questions and get you started with confidence! Click here to save your spot. Or grab your free Gut Health Cheat Sheet as your visual reminder of these 3 steps!

*As always, speak with your health practitioner for individual advice.

3 secrets to better gut health reflux constipation IBS digestion