The secret to stopping stress eating during a crisis


The secret to stopping stress eating

What if I told you there IS a way of dealing with your stress cravings that doesn’t involve a packet of paleo balls (that have just as much sugar as a Mars Bar)? It’s part of the same holistic approach I used to shift 12 kilos over the years.

Does this sound familiar? You start the day with good intentions to eat more healthily – but when 3pm rolls around, you cave into the sweet cravings. Or maybe you wait till the kids are in bed before you raid the pantry?

You already know that those after dinner ‘treats’ just makes you feel worse in the long run – but you’re stuck in the self-sabotage cycle. 

If you can’t stop stress eating during this Covid 19 lockdown – you’re not alone! In a study published in Appetite in 2012, researchers found that women who felt stressed had a greater drive to eat and less able to control their eating. I’ve been there in the past – and so many of my members struggle with the same issue!

It’s no wonder we’re distracting or rewarding ourselves with sweets during lockdown - we’re trying to juggle work whilst home-schooling, can’t go anywhere without hearing ‘Mum’ every 5 minutes and every day can feel like Groundhog Day.

What if I told you there IS a way of dealing with your stress cravings that doesn’t involve a packet of paleo balls (that have just as much sugar as a Mars Bar)?

The key is focussing on the STRESS not the food.

The food cravings are the SYMPTOM – not the problem. By getting down on ourselves about the eating, we are placing our attention in the wrong area.

Be proactive about managing your mindset and staying on top of stress – and the chocolate cravings will ease. I’ve experienced this myself – and it’s part of the holistic approach I used to lose 12 kilos over the years.  

When we’re stressed, we are more likely to reach for sugar because it increases our levels of dopamine—the feel good hormone.

Our bodies also release stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, when we’re in ‘flight or fight’ mode or under pressure. These same stress hormones triggers our body to use glucose (ie. sugar!) as its fuel - not body fat.

The result? More sugar and starch cravings.

That constant sugar intake is what damages our gut microbiome, weakens our immune system, disrupts our hormone health, and inflates our waistline.  

On the flip side - when we feel calm, our nervous system and stress hormones are in balance – hence our appetite and metabolism are regulated and our bodies can more easily digest food and burn fat.  We also make better food choices, from the conscious part of our brain, rather than out of impulse.

So HOW do we better manage stress?

Want good news? It IS possible to swap our habits and practice better self care – it’s all about having better coping tools to reach for in those anxious moments. 

Swap the chocolate bar for one of these stress management ideas – number 1 to 3 are my personal favourites! 

  1. Go for a run or get active

  2. Meditation or prayer

  3. Essential oils – one of the fastest ways to shift your mood and ease stress in an instant! Try Peace, Frankincense or Lavender Peace oils and feel how everything now feels easier to cope with.

  4. Journalling

  5. Deep breathing

  6. Take a break

  7. Have realistic expectations

  8. Positive self-talk – reframe your thoughts

What non-food solution can you turn to, when you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed? Pop it on a post it note and keep it on the fridge as a reminder of your commitment to yourself!

Want the power of essential oils to ease your stress when cravings strike? Choose from these options to get started - purchase a Starter Kit here, grab a free Cheat Sheet Stress, Sleep and Self Care or for a complimentary 30 minute consult to customise to your needs and budget, contact me. And come and join our online Facebook Group here!

P.S. There can be other underlying reasons for persistent sugar cravings – such as poor gut health, hormonal imbalance, or inadequate nutrition. Contact me for a Discovery Call and I’ll help guide you towards a holistic approach on practitioners, helpful resources and natural products to support your goals.

how to stop stress eating emotional during Covid lockdown crisis